English grandfather clock
English grandfather clock
This English grandfather clock was produced around the middle of the 18th century. The machinery is signed by the London clockmakers Robert and Peter Higgs. It is not known how it reached the sacristy of the cathedral, although it was probably gifted by a canon following the custom that existed of embellishing the collegiate church with these donations. It has a wooden cabinet lacquered on its main side and decorated with chinoiserie motifs. The scenes depicted are extremely exotic, with Western evocations of Chinese art that were very popular in Europe during the 18th century.
Ficha técnica
AZCÁRATE RISTORI, José M.ª de. “Catedral de Santa María (catedral Vieja)”. En: PORTILLA VITORIA, Micaela J. et al. Catálogo Monumental Diócesis de Vitoria: Ciudad de Vitoria. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Obra Cultural de la Caja de Ahorros Municipal, tomo III, 1968, p. 111.
BARTOLOMÉ GARCÍA, Fernando R.; PARDO, Diana. “Restauración del conjunto de la sacristía de la catedral de Santa María de Vitoria-Gasteiz”, en La restauración en el siglo XXI. Función, estética e imagen. Madrid, Árgoma Servicios Editoriales, 2009, pp. 103-112.